
发布时间:2023-03-15文章来源:365英国上市网站官网 浏览次数:


姓名:吴铠         性别:男

民族:汉         籍贯:  吉林      出生日期:1979.2.5

职称: 讲师                       学位:博士





[1] 英国正版365官网横向课题,基于区块链和物联网技术的智慧牧场系统的开发,2021-08至2023年08, 25万,在研,主持。

[2] 哈尔滨市科技局,科技创新人才, 2017RAQXJ049, 基于物联网和云平台的智慧供应链解决方案, 2017-10至2021-4, 10万元, 结题, 主持。

[3] 哈尔滨市科技局,科技创新人才研究专项基金, 2017RAXXJ029, 基于区块链和数据挖掘技术的互联网大数据征信体系及风险控制, 2017-102022-10, 10万元, 结题, 主持。

[4] 澳大利亚,新南威尔士州政府, 科技创新项目, NSW25869, Smart Farming Supply Chain System Solution, 2018-102020-04, 20万元, 结题, 主持;

[5] 哈尔滨市科技局,科技创业奖,2019CYJBCG0006,物联网+大数据技术的智慧牧场项目,2019-10至2021-12,70万,在研,主持;


[1] Dolmark, T., Sohaib, O., Beydoun, G. & Wu, K. The Effect of Technology Readiness on Individual Absorptive Capacity Toward Learning Behavior in Australian Universities. Journal of Global Information Management,2022, 30. 1

[2] Wu K, Beydoun G, Sohaib O, et al. The Co-construct/ Co-evolving Process between Organization's Absorptive Capacity and Enterprise System Practice under Changing Context: The Case of ERP Practice[J]. Information Systems Frontiers:2022,1-1.

[3] Wu K, Bai E, Sun B, Guo H. The Rolf of Absorptive Capacity in the Blockchain Enabled Traceability Alignment: An Empirical Investigation. International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems, 2022.

[4] Dolmark, T., Sohaib, O., Beydoun, G. & Wu, K. 2021. The Effect of Individual’s Technological Belief and Usage on Their Absorptive Capacity towards Their Learning Behavior in Learning Environment. Sustainability, 2021,13, 718.

[5] Wu K, Sun B, Guo H. Absorptive Capacity, Blockchain and Food Traceability: An Empirical Investigation.  International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems, 2021. Springer, 512-529


[1] Wu Kai, The Dynamics of Enterprise resource planning Implementation in a Complex Organizational and Environmental Context, Universal Wiser Publisher, Singapore,2021, ISBN 978-981-14-9027-9




[1] 一种畜牧定位及步频检测可穿戴装置,实用新型专利,发明人:李鹏,吴铠,专利号:ZL2021 2 0707868.0

[2] 一种基于物联网的智慧畜牧系统(专利号:CN201910613486.9);

[3] 智慧牧场系统客户端软件(登记号:2020SR1619510);

[4] 牧场智能火灾检测系统客户端软件(登记号:2020SR1619910);

[5]Ÿ 一次性牛耳标外壳(ZL2021 3 0202974.9);

[6] 可拆卸是猪耳标外壳(ZL2021 3 0203083.5

关闭 打印责任编辑:365英国上市网站官网
